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League Play   
February  5th - April 28th
This will be a 12 week signal person League with a prospect of 4 Flights. 8 players per Flight. Payouts for each Flight for players placing 1st, 2nd & 3rd at the end of the session. 
$60 per person to join
$15 screen time per week (1/2 hour 9 holes)
League Nights Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 3-7 pm
Recommend 2 players to play at a time to keep league nights moving.
Join the league:
go to
You must create a log in with e6golf. Then come to Cargie's Simulator and log in to be added to Cargie's Clubhouse.

At this point you can see upcoming events and schedule sessions.
Any questions contact Carl Warner 518-858-7614


Golf Club Rental
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